Gun Dog Chocolate Labrador dog having a studio pet photography session with Dawn Hilton Photography, based in Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire

Untold Stories: Dogs

Leicester Dog Photographer

Behind the scenes of a typical dog photography session with your award-winning Leicester dog photographer 

Dogs Are Annoying!

Dogs!  Who would have them?!

They bark and howl, smell our houses by diving in muddy water, and rolling in fox poo.  They chew our shoes and clothes and leave a trail of drool in their wake.  We must walk them daily in the dark, cold, rain, hail, and snow.  They financially cost us an arm and a leg, and don’t even get me started on their dog hair! 

So why do we have them? 

Why?  Because they are our best friends, no matter what.  They listen when no one else will; they don’t judge and are always by our side.  They protect us, comfort us, and love us without condition.  Our dogs don’t see our sins, faults, or failings; they love to be around us and want to ensure we are safe and happy.  Dogs provide comfort when we are depressed or sad, and we can never be lonely with a dog by our side. 

The science behind why dogs are good for us is vast!  But just for starters, here are ten reasons why our dogs are worth having:

  1. Stave off loneliness
  2. Good for your heart by lowering your blood pressure
  3. Help with cognitive function
  4. Keep stress and anxiety at bay
  5. Teach us how to love
  6. Help us to cope with day-to-day crisis
  7. Encourage us to move and be fitter
  8. Make us more sociable
  9. Help to break down social barriers
  10. They make us happy!

This is why we have dogs!

Leicester Dog Photographer

Why have a Dog Photography Session?

I wish our four-legged friends could live forever, or at least as long as we do, but sadly this isn’t the case. 

Before you know it, that cute little ball of fluff and fur has not only grown up but also grown old.  The grey hairs start to come through, the legs are not as fit as they once were, the teeth start to yellow, and their eyes begin to fade.

Having a professional photography session with your best friend, at least once in their short lives, will become a treasured memory of a great day out for you both and give you stunning wall art that you will hang in a prime position within your home. 

But it is much more than that; it is a set of beautiful images of your loyal and faithful friend that you can treasure long after they have passed over to Rainbow Bridge. 

A timeless image that shows them to be immortal.  Never to grow old, frail, lame, or in pain.

Award Winning

My dog is better than your dog!

Said every owner.  Ever. 

And do you know what?  My dog IS better than your dog!  Because he is mine, he loves me, and I love him; that is all you need to be the best dog in the world!

But what if your dog was not only the best but award-winning too?  

I mean.  Who doesn’t want their dog to be a superstar? 

With every gallery of images, I try to submit one or two to industry competitions to see where they stand from a technical point of view.  So who knows, your dog could be award-winning and the best!

I know how it feels when your dog wins something, as my dog Roger won the coveted title of ‘Second Most Waggiest Tail In Trowbridge’, and I have never been so proud in my life!  Crufts?  Pah!  The second most waggiest tail is where it is at! 

However, an award-winning Bronze image from the Guild Of Professional Photographers is below.  Is it better than winning the second most waggiest tail?  The jury is out on that. 😉

Leicester Dog Photographer

Step one: The Consultation

Hit the BOOK button and select a date and time to suit you.

We will arrange a consultation, usually held at my Melton Mowbray studio, but we can do a phone or Zoom chat if this is preferable.

Consultations last around half an hour, but by the time we have finished chatting and I have stopped fussing with your dog, it is more like an hour!

These informal chats are a great way to get to know each other and, crucially, for your dog to become comfortable with the camera kit and me. 

The point of having your session, and handing over your hard-earned money, is so you can have great-looking images and wall art at the end. So this is the perfect time to chat about how you want your finished gallery to look and go over any preparations that may be needed before your session.

Dawn Hilton Photography Dog Studio Sessions Dog Photography Pet Photoshoot Melton Mowbray Leicestershire Nottinghamshire Lincolnshire Grantham Derbyshire
Leicester Dog Photographer

Step Two: The Session

Depending upon your dog and requirements, we can do your session at my studio, with full use of my backdrops and props and studio lighting, or we can do an outdoor session with posed and action shots, using nature’s backdrop and natural lighting.

My studio backs onto 137 acres of country parks, so if you wish to have a studio session AND an outdoor session, we can do both at no extra charge.  We divide the session into two and mix it up a bit.

For end-of-life dogs or in other exceptional circumstances, I can bring my mobile set up to you, and we can take the shots in your own home and garden.  

We will have discussed it at your consultation beforehand, whichever session you require.

Regardless of your choice, your session will always be at your dog’s pace, and we will never force your dog into a pose or position to get ‘the shot’.  

Sessions usually last around one to two hours, but I always allow more time as I want your dog to be relaxed with me and my equipment, so I always take it slow time with them.   They can also take longer due to my spending a lot of time fussing with your dogs.  Call it the perks of the job. 

Step Three: The viewing appointment

This is the only time I will ask you to leave your dog at home if it is possible.

Once your session is over and you head off home, I begin the process of culling and editing your RAW images until you are left with only the BEST ones from your session.  

You will be asked to book a Viewing Appointment at my studio, and this is where you will sit back with a cuppa or glass of something nice and watch your personalised slideshow of a final gallery of images. 

At this point, decide which of your favourite ones you wish to have in your chosen collection, choose your wall art, and pay your remaining balance. 

Step four: Collection or Delivery

Once you have paid for and placed your final order, the professional lab I use will get to work hand-crafting your frames and printing and mounting all of your beautiful images. 

This process usually takes around 2 to 3 weeks as a guide.

They will always be delivered to me first, as I like to give them a once over, and then I will arrange with you to either collect them, or I can deliver them right to your door.

They come ready to hang and display, so all you have to do is fix the wall hangings, make sure the wall art is hanging level, sit back and enjoy!

Step Five: Pay It Forwards

The final and the most important (well, to me anyway) step is once your session is complete and you have hung your wall art or displayed your prints, you leave me an excellent review!

Small businesses like mine survive on the backs of reviews from previous clients.  Their value is incomparable. 

Plus, they make me do my little happy dance, which is a sight to behold, so make a small business owner happy and don’t forget the kind words. 

Dawn Hilton Photography Dog Studio Sessions Dog Photography Pet Photoshoot Melton Mowbray Leicestershire Nottinghamshire Lincolnshire Grantham Derbyshire

Editing magic

The editing process is where all the real magic begins!

I spend many hours sitting behind my computer editing the beautiful galleries of your gorgeous dogs. 

Below is an example of the work done on each image to take it from an image straight out of the camera to an award-winning image hanging on the wall in your home.

Award Winning
Wall Art

Those Goofy 'Outtakes'

Of course, you may not wish to have a gallery of your dog looking refined, regal, or posed.

You may prefer to have a Dog Studio Session, where I highlight your dog’s (not so) best side! 

Head over to the Dog Stuio Sessions page, where you can get all the info on these fun, whacky, goofy photoshoots.

Thank you for reading, and I hope to see you and your dog(s) soon!

Dawn Hilton Photography Dog Studio Sessions Dog Photography Pet Photoshoot Melton Mowbray Leicestershire Nottinghamshire Lincolnshire Grantham Derbyshire
Dawn x

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Dogs! Who would have them?! They bark and howl, smell our houses by diving in muddy water, and rolling in fox poo. They chew our shoes and clothes and leave a trail of drool in their wake.
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